Other verbs of the basic types discussed in section G.3.7:
libas – to dress, to put on
لبسو كنادرهم اليديدة
libsaw kanaadirhum il-yideeda – They put on their new kandooras/dishdashes (white robes).
لبست أجمل نفنوف اللي عندها حق الحفلة
libsat ajmal nafnuuf lli ^indaha Hagg il-Hafla – She put on the most beautiful dress that she had for the party.
^ajab – to please, to appeal to
wala , walla - or
عجبتكم الكويت ولا لا؟
^ijbatkom il-kuweyt wala la? – Did you like Kuwait or not?
عجبتنا وايد
^ijbatna waayid – We liked her (Kuwait) a lot. (Kuwait is fem.)
ليش ما عجبتج الحلق؟
leysh ma ^ijbatich il-Halag? – Why didn’t you (fem.) like the earrings?
rigad – to lie down, to sleep
رقدتو العصر؟
rigadtaw il-^aSir? – Did you (plural) take a nap in the late afternoon?
rija^ – to come back, to return
ما رجعو من المدرسة للحين
ma rij^aw min il-madrasa li-l-Hiin. - They haven’t returned from school so far (lit. up to now).
ليش رجعت مبكر كذي؟
leysh rija^t mubakkir chidhii? – Why did you (masc.) come back so early? (lit. early like that)
Tila^ – to go out, to turn out
من زمان
min zamaan – for a long time, a long time ago
bass – but; only
طلعو من زمان بس ما رجعو للحين
Til^aw min zamaan bass ma rij^aw li-l-Hiin. – They went out a long time ago but haven’t come back yet. (lit. but didn’t come back until now).
Some verbs of the type CaaC, and Caa:
Notice the change from -a- to -i- in all persons but he-, she- and they-.
jaa , يا yaa – to come
ييت yiit – I came
ييت yiit – you came (masc.)
ييت yiiti – you came (fem.)
يا yaa – he came
يات yaat – she came
يينا yiina – we came
ييتو yiitaw – you came (plural)
ياو yaaw – they came
يينا دبي يوم أربع سبتمبر
yiina dubay yoom arba^ sibtambar. – We came (to) Dubai on the 4th of September.
انتو متى يعني ييتو بلدنا؟
intaw mita, ya^ni, yiitaw biladna? – When did you come to our country?
عمري ما
^umri maa … – I have never…, I had never
عمري ما ييت الامارات من قبل
^umri maa yiit il-imaraat min gabil. – I had never come (to) the Emirates before.
ليش ما ييتو بيتنا؟
laysh ma yiitaw baytna? – Why didn’t you (pl.) come (to) our home?
شاف / جاف
shaaf/chaaf – to see
شفت shift/chift – I saw
شفت shift/chift – you saw (masc.)
شفت shifti/chifti – you saw (fem.)
شاف shaaf/chaaf – he saw
شافت shaafat/chaafat – she saw
شفنا shifna/chifna – we saw
شفتو shiftaw/chiftaw – you saw (plural)
شافو shaafaw/chaafaw – they saw
عمرك جفت هالقد رمل؟
^umrak chift ha-l-gadd ramil? – Have you ever seen this much sand?
salaamtik – lit. Your safety. It's said upon someone's return from a journey; also upon hearing that someone is ill.
سلامتك يا خوي. ما جفتك من زمان
salaamtik ya xuuy. maa chiftak min zamaan. – Welcome back brother. I haven’t seen you for a long time.
البارحة جفناكم على السيف
il-baarHa chifnaakum ^ala-s-siif. – Yesterday we saw you at the beach.
raaH – to go
رحت riHt – I went
رحت riHt – you went (masc.)
رحت riHti – you went (fem.)
راح raaH – he went
راحت raaHat – she went
رحنا riHna – we went
رحتو riHtaw – you went (plural)
راحو raaHaw – they went
ليش ما رحت الدختر؟
laysh ma riHt id-daxtar? – Why didn’t you (masc.) go to the doctor?
والله عمري ما رحت السجن
walla, ^umri ma riHt is-siyin. – By God, I have never gone (to) jail.
راح الصيدلية
raaH iS-Saydaliyya. – He went to the drugstore.
أهل / هل
ahl / hal – family, relatives, kinsmen
جيف هلك؟
chayf halik? – How’s your family?
راحو البيت وشافو هلهم من الكويت
raaHaw il-bayt wa shaafaw halhum min li-kweeyt. - They went home and saw their relatives from Kuwait.
رحتو المدرسة اليوم؟
riHtaw il-madrasa il-yoom? – Did you (plural) go to school today?
لا، ما رحنا طبعاً. اليوم عطلة
la, ma riHna Tab^an. il-yoom ^uTla. – No, we didn’t go, of course. Today (is) a holiday (day off).

zaar (زرت، زرنا zirt, zirna …) – to visit
baa^ (بعت، بعنا bi3t , bi3na …) – to sell
جاب / ياب
jaab/yaab (جبت / يبت، جبنا / يبنا jibt /yibt , jibna /
yibna …) – to bring
naam (نمت، نمنا nimt, nimna …) – to sleep
كان / جان
kaan / chaan (كنت / جنت، كنا / جنا kint /chint, kinna /chinna …) – to be
gaal (قلت، قلنا gilt, gilna …) – to say, to tell
Saar (صرت، صرنا Sirt, Sirna …) – to become, to happen
The verb قال gaal is used with the particle إن inn (that) to which you can append the pronominal suffixes, e.g.:
قال لي إنك بعت الموتر بألف درهم. بلاش يعني
gaal liyi innik bi^t il-mootir b-alf dirham. balaash, ya^ni. - He told me that you sold the car for 1,000 dirhams. For free, that is.
بكم بعت موترك إنت؟
bi cham bi^t mootrik inta? – For how much did you sold your car? (Note: Here inta is used for more emphasis.)
شو صار؟
shu Saar? – What happened? (Note: This could also mean "So what?".)
عمري ما كنت في الصين
^umri ma kint fi-S-Siin. - I have never been to (in) China.
كان متعب الشغل اليوم
chaan mut^ib ish-shughul il-yoom. – Work was tiring today. (lit. Was tiring the work today.)

Nothing difficult here. Conjugate these verbs like the basic ones.
tikallam – to speak
ajnabi / أينبي aynabi (pl. أجانب ajaanib / أيانب ayaanib) - foreigner
الأجنبي هذا تكلم عربي زين والله
il-ajnabi haadha tikallam ^arabi zayn, walla! – This foreigner spoke real good Arabic!
lugha pl. لغات lughaat – language
أية لغة تكلمت وياه؟
ayya lugha tikallamat wiyyah? – (In) which language did she speak with him?
تكلمت فرانسي
tikallamat faraansi. – She spoke French.
zooja – wife
zooj – husband
كل هالشغل
kill ha-sh-shughul – all that work
تكلمت ويا زوجتي وقالت لي إنها وايد تعبانة من كل ها الشغل في البيت
tikallamt wiyya zoojti wa gaalat-li innaha waayid ta^abaana min kill ha-sh-shughul fi-l-bayt. – I spoke with my wife, and she told that she is very tired from all that work at home.
tizawwaj – to get married
bint – girl; also daughter
Halaal – anything that is permitted, good, sound, decent.
تزوج بنت حلال
tizawwaj bint Halaal. – He married a decent girl.
تزوجت لو بعد؟
tizawwajt lo ba^ad? – Did you get married or not yet? (lit. or yet?)
A note on Halaal: Also لحم حلال laHam Halaal – meat from animals other than pig and any other which eat their own dirt, or wild animals which eat other animals. Also, Muslims are not allowed to eat animals that were killed in unislamic ways. The Islamic way is to cut the animal's throat in one strike with a very sharp knife so that it won't suffer and Muslims have to say بسم الله bismillah – "in the name of God". It is unislamic to eat animals that were beaten, electrified, tortured or ill animals.
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